Why Religious Tradition Won't Get You Into Heaven
Up until this point, we’ve gone through a lot of false gospels that run rampant in the charismatic or modern-day church, but we haven’t talked about the ways that traditional, old-school church can lead people astray from true, God-glorifying faith. Because the traditional church was so popular 50-60 years ago, chances are, you’ve been to at least one service and know what I’m talking about.
Why Emotionalism Doesn’t Lead to Spiritual Maturity
A pitfall of the American church is that it relies on carnal means to try and entice lost and worldly people into saving grace. The issue is, when we know real grace ourselves, we understand that there is nothing a person can say or do that can convince someone to sacrifice their worldly comforts to live a God-honoring life. Instead, we have to rely on God’s revealing Himself to someone in order to draw the lost to Him. And because we minimize that fact into a minor detail of church culture, Christians tend to strive in certain things in order to try and get imperfect people to see Jesus using imperfect means and methods.
Why Attractionalism Hurts the Church
As long as the church survives, there will be a conversation about growth, numbers, and membership. Pragmatically, for many of them, a church is not only a spiritual house, but a business. More numbers means more tithing and giving means more resources and that helps ensure that the church not only remains open and serving the community, but that it continues to glorify God– or so you hope. No matter where you go, what theology that church teaches, there will always be that goal: to reach unbelievers, new families, and trying to get more people to stay and engage. But over the past 20-30 years, with the addition of social media, globalization, and mega churches, that idea has lent itself to a whole new pitfall of false gospel: attractionalism.
So What’s Biblical Prosperity then?
In 2019, I left the church I attended my whole life. As a child, teenager, and young adult, it was a wonderful place to learn about and develop a relationship with God. The leadership was amenable to allowing youth to serve and be heard, and in turn, that made me and my friends excited to be a part of that body of believers for many, many years. But at the age of 25, I felt the Lord leading me into a new direction. In a lot of ways, that transition out of everything I knew was scary. I was comfortable in that church and it had a large hand in shaping me into who I was. I loved my pastor and the community that I’d trusted and gotten so used to. But once I left, I realized that up until that point, I didn’t really know my Bible. I had taken everything that was preached from the pulpit as gospel. And that’s not to say that my pastor was a false teacher or anything, but it is to say that I never really tested the full measure of scripture for myself, asking the Holy Spirit to reveal Himself in the Word to me on a personal level.
Why Prosperity Gospel is not Gospel, part two
Last week, we discussed the prosperity gospel– what it entails and why it isn’t gospel. Primarily, we focused on the financial side of the movement and how teachers of prosperity gospel twist the Bible to claim that God is the way to health, wealth, and material success. In my personal life as someone who wants to make freelance writing into a career, I follow a lot of freelancers or writing coaches to study their business models and tips. The weird thing is, without fail when talking about the “spirituality” or “mindset” of the lifestyle, they tend to mention that they subscribe to people that are known teachers of prosperity gospel: Joel Osteen, T.D. Jakes, Kenneth Copeland, and the list goes on.
Why Prosperity Gospel is not Gospel
Live your best life now. God wants us to live a life of health and wealth. Speak it into existence. Pray your way to a better life. I’m sure you’ve heard some of these taglines before. Last week, we spoke about the importance of knowing your Bible, and knowing the full counsel of God’s word so you won’t be led astray by false gospels and teachers that peddle an inferior version of the Way, Truth, and Life. Now, the Lord has been weighing heavily on my heart for some time that we need to meet some of these false gospels head-on. Unfortunately, the American Church is full of “gospels” that lead people away from Christ in droves, and it’s not because they are outwardly evil or obviously false. They often preach things that people love to hear and subscribe to.
Do We Treat the Bible as Sufficient?
You’re probably tired of hearing from me at this point, but it’s a concept we need to constantly be reminded of: The Bible is the only thing we need in order to understand God. Are commentaries helpful? Yes. Are there teachers out there that are helpful in taking scripture, unpacking it, and explaining it to us? Yes. What’s the problem with that? You can’t always trust people to be right in exegeting scripture, and you certainly can’t depend on a person to reveal the heart of God.
Are We Failing the Next Generation?
I’ve been a part of youth ministry for 10 years now. It’s pretty safe to say that I’ve seen most things, from giving a standing ovation at school plays to sitting and playing cards in a psych ward. It’s true that youth ministry requires a youth leader to put on many hats, so to speak: advisor, friend, leader, teacher, support system, cheerleader, etc. But I think one of the most important parts of youth ministry is helping a younger person through the early stages of figuring out how to make their faith their own. For a lot of youth that I’ve worked with, they’re at the point in their life where their idea of Jesus is mostly made up of what their parents and relatives say He is. Until this point, they haven’t really thought deeply about what the Bible says, just what other people have taught them it says. So as a youth leader, you have the really cool opportunity to course correct some misunderstandings they have about what the Bible says about certain things.
Modern Psalms: Help me Lead People into Your Truth
Hey Pops, It’s been weighing on my heart that I’m not necessarily the best “evangelist” of your gospel. Sure, I post devotions, I serve at church, and I try to live my life to glorify you, but I think I mostly fall short. Am I quick to share your Word with my friends? With my family? And not just the synopsis that the world already knows: That you were born, died on the cross for our sins, and rose from the grave to save us. I’m talking about something deeper, more mature. Do I encourage my friends and family to seek out the true Gospel?
Fruits of the Spirit, Part 9: Self-Control Like Jesus
For the past 8 weeks, we’ve been discussing the Fruits of the Spirit and why they are so fundamental to our Christian walks. Thus far, we’ve found the unique differences between kindness, goodness, and gentleness– turns out they’re not reiterations of each other– and unpacked the deep nuances of those tried and true Fruits like love, joy, and peace. Which brings us to the final Fruit to make the list: self-control, something that is both frustratingly essential and yet hard to refine within us simply because it is so contrary to sinful nature.
Fruits of the Spirit, Part 8: Gentleness that Requires Strength
Okay, so surely gentleness is a redundant fruit of kindness and goodness. If that’s what you’re thinking coming into this devotion, I’d like to challenge you with this idea: for the past 8 weeks, we’ve been unpacking different facets of God’s character that are leant to us through the Holy Spirit. As Christians, when we find God’s character within us, we can be assured that we have lived a life closely with Him, because it is impossible for God’s Spirit to dwell where practices of the flesh are allowed to flourish. Ergo, the more we commit ourselves to a life lived in sacrifice to our Savior and allow Him to take more and more control of our lives, the less we will see of the world within us.
Fruits of the Spirit, Part 7: Faithfulness for the Long Haul
Faithfulness. To me, this seems like a big one. Like love, it is one of the building blocks of the Christian walk. Many will say that God is love, His very countenance drips with it and every time He acts, the action operates out of it. And yes, over the past weeks, we’ve been seeing how each Fruit of the Spirit is an intrinsic piece of who God is. To that degree, none should be discounted. But to me, God is faithfulness. He wouldn’t be who He is without His steadfast reliability. And maybe that’s not a great word for it. Reliability makes it seem so responsible or obligatory, but to me, God’s faithfulness is the fact that He has never once relented in His pursuits for His people. He is faithful because He loves, but His love for us is because of His faithfulness.
Fruit of the Spirit, Part Six: Goodness that Inspires Moral Courage
So what makes goodness different from kindness? Aren’t they the same thing? I used to feel the same way. The short answer is, they are similar but not the same. In Galatians, the Greek word for kindness is chrestotes, like we learned last week, but goodness is derived from the word, agathosune. Where kindness means serviceable or helpful in a tender, concerned way, goodness means “virtue equipped at any point,” or a more righteous integrity.
Fruits of the Spirit, part five: Kindness in Character
Kindness is something we’re taught as children. When we’re young, we learn to show others more kindness and value it in our own character. For many, somewhere along the way, other things take precedence: our comfortability, our pride, whatever it might be. But many times, kindness loses its luster as we grow older, getting put on the back burner. And yet, if you ask someone to list what they look for in a friend or in a romantic partner, kindness will probably be on that list, if not one of the first things. So if we expect kindness out of others, why is it such a struggle to show kindness ourselves? Because the fact is, when God names kindness as a Fruit of the Spirit, it’s not exclusive to people we find easy to love. It’s for everyone– strangers, friends, family, acquaintances, and yes, even people we’d rather not spend time with.
Fruits of the Sprit, Part Four: Seeing Patience in Another Light
Patience. No one likes talking about patience. Love? Joy? Peace? Those are all Fruits of the Spirit that people love talking about, but patience? Pass. In truth, patience is a hard virtue to work on, because it’s one season of life’s seasons we’d all rather avoid; but at the same time, we can’t cultivate patience within ourselves if we are never challenged to wait.
Fruits of the Spirit, Part Three: Unwavering Inner Peace
First, love: a love that can only be shared once it is experienced in its deepest form, by realizing the love God gave to us and allowing it to transform us from the inside out. Second, joy: a joy that wells up and overflows from the innermost parts of us and is not dependent on external happiness to be sparked or sustained, having the ability to remain joyful for others regardless of our personal issues. Today, peace. More specifically, inner peace– as the Amplified Bible so specifically points out. Are you noticing a trend? Because I am!