evangelism, evangelize, sharing, anna, knowledge Cortney Wente evangelism, evangelize, sharing, anna, knowledge Cortney Wente

Getting Over a Difficulty with Evangelism

Do you struggle with evangelism? I know I do. I get super nervous to tell other people about Truth, and I know it is something I need to work on. I know I’m not alone in that. In fact, I would be willing to bet that most Christians struggle with the task. That’s the reason that most churches struggle with things like outreach and missions: because it requires us to know our Word, be willing to go out into the world and be ready to articulate and defend it if necessary.

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evangelism, evangelize, false gospel, gospel Cortney Wente evangelism, evangelize, false gospel, gospel Cortney Wente

Modern Psalms: Help me Lead People into Your Truth

Hey Pops, It’s been weighing on my heart that I’m not necessarily the best “evangelist” of your gospel. Sure, I post devotions, I serve at church, and I try to live my life to glorify you, but I think I mostly fall short. Am I quick to share your Word with my friends? With my family? And not just the synopsis that the world already knows: That you were born, died on the cross for our sins, and rose from the grave to save us. I’m talking about something deeper, more mature. Do I encourage my friends and family to seek out the true Gospel?

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