What We Believe
Jesus Christ is the Son of God and was born of flesh by a virgin, lived sinlessly, died for our transgressions, rose from the dead, and ascended into heaven.
God has three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Salvation is attainable by grace, through faith, and can only be enjoyed through a personal profession of belief in Jesus.
The Bible is the faultless word of God, it stands without rival and without equal.
Hell is a very real place and is the only other address for eternity after death other than Heaven. There is no third alternative.
The Church and its many members stand as one body awaiting the return of Christ and the establishment of his kingdom.
Marriage is intended to be the union between one man and one woman.
Life begins at conception.
Man and woman are seen as equals in the sight of God and are capable and called individually to carry out whatever the Lord asks of us.
We are challenged and commissioned to love others as Christ loved us so that God's glory may be known throughout the world.