A Time to Plant, and a Time to Uproot

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” (Jeremiah 17:7-8, NIV)

When I think of Soul Deep, I think of it as something that God led me into, using me to share Jesus with and blessing me immensely. God peeled back the layers of me that told me I could not do it and used all the passion I had for writing lying underneath. The passion I have for sharing God's word with others through words and being there for other people is probably one of my biggest passions. There is not much I love more than writing about God. God speaks through me as I write, how could I not be in awe that He’s chosen me to be His mouthpiece?

This writing process is like nothing I have ever experienced. As I write a devotion, God pours out so much for me to say and before I know it, it is truly the Lord who is writing, not me. I am so thankful to be a vessel of God, to have followed His lead, and founded Soul Deep Devotions with Cortney. God has done amazing things and I believe He will continue to do so.

I believe that God brings us all through seasons, and at age 20, He has already brought me through many. Cortney and I started Soul Deep right after I graduated high school and was a passion project that carried me into college. Having Soul Deep was truly a blessing in that transition period in my life. Through writing devotions, God ministered to my heart and made me realize the purpose He had for me in that season.

I am a commuter student and at first, that reality was not something I was happy with; but God showed me all He needed to. He gave me a way to take my eyes off of myself and put them onto Him. I look back and I see God’s hand so clearly in my story, I see how He arranged things perfectly and worked everything out for my good. Without this blog, I would not be who I am today. I feel so blessed that God chose to use me in this story, and has influenced my own personal story tenfold.

In the season of life I am currently in, I am a junior in college pursuing a career as a teacher. I am able to teach, as well as learn in my classes. I would say I’m in that call “becoming” stage that everyone must have to go through at one point or another. I am in the in-between period where I am almost there but also not there quite yet. I am working harder than ever on a daily basis, staying up late to get work done and to do my best.

I believe that each season God brings us into is only for a season in time. Sometimes long, sometimes short or somewhere in between. God has placed His perfect timing on everything in our lives, and even when it is hard to trust it, we have to. I am beyond grateful that God has brought me on this journey of creating Soul Deep and sharing His love through Bible-inspired devotions.

I feel at this time that God is calling me out of this season with Soul Deep Devotions. This is something that has been nothing short of difficult for me to accept and understand. I see that God is leading me down a new road in life and in that process, taking me from this wonderful ministry.

I cannot express with words what this ministry has meant to me. It has grown me, shown me who I am, encouraged me, and strengthened me in all I believe. This ministry has been everything to me. I still have the passion to share my heart with others and I know that God will continue to use my gifts in the way He has purposed. I will not be writing regularly on Soul Deep anymore, but I may pop into your inbox every once in a while to say hi and share my heart with you all.

I am so thankful for Cortney who has walked by me since the beginning. I am so thankful for how God used us and I am excited to see how God continues to use her on the blog. She has such a gift of articulating the truths God gives her so beautifully and letting the Lord speak through her in all ways.

I want to thank everyone who has encouraged and supported me over the past few years. Thank you to all who have read my devotionals and always believed in what we are doing on the site. Everyone's encouragement and love have meant so much to me and made me feel like I was helping others in their walks. This is something I have truly poured so much of myself into, and it feels so weird to part with it. I have been so thankful for this experience and all that God has given me. I love you all and I want you to know that if you ever need anything you can reach out to me on social media or email Soul Deep. When something is made out to me, it always ends up in my inbox.

I will continue to pour my Godly passions into all I do. I will continue to encourage, love, speak life, and be there in every way I can. You are so loved, and that is all I want to leave with you today. Never forget how loved you are by the God of the universe, the maker of the stars. I love you all!

Yours truly,
Megan Kelly

Megan Kelly

Megan Kelly gave her life to the Lord in 2012 when she was 13 years old. Growing up in the church, she was blessed with mentors that helped mature her faith and deepen her love for God. Megan was a co-founder of Soul Deep Devotions, where she regularly wrote for the site until Spring 2020.


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