Testimony Time: For When You Need a Little Directing

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, lean not unto thy own understanding, in all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy path.” (Proverbs 3: 5-6, KJV)

"This is what I call my life verse. I believe God gives everyone who asks a scripture to hold onto through all the storms life has to throw at us. This precious one is mine. What is yours?

For me, Proverbs 3:5-6 is my constant reminder to hope in God. He called me and saved me and is faithful to finish what He began in my life. My faith in Christ is the substance of what I hope for. It encourages me to remember that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

So, I will trust in Him with all my heart, and walk by faith and not by sight. There really is no other way. Only Christ Jesus is the immutable rock, and it’s upon Him that I can stand firm.

All choices have consequences, and God gives us free will to choose. I know myself full well, and unless I am firmly secure in the arms of His grace, the winds of the world will toss me to and fro. If I keep my eyes on the circumstances looming on the horizon, I stumble and fall. But, when I keep my eyes up, trusting God, He faithfully carries me through the storms and over the mountains.

So, I resolve to trust in the Lord with all my heart, mind and soul– to praise Him in everything because He inhabits His praises, and that brings me into His presence, where His peace surpasses my understanding. Only in Christ can we find rest for our souls, and this is possible when there is less of me and more of Jesus. Where is my focus? Where is my hope, my trust? Who do I love?

But then I invite the Lord into my hurried thoughts and I am strengthened because I have been in God's presence where He directs my path to higher ground. Take your spiritual vitamins! Praise the Lord! He inhabits His praises! He who called us to be an overcomer is our source and strength.

Open my eyes, Lord, tear away the veil. Fill me to overflowing with your Holy Spirit that my heart will be lined up with your heart. Light my path that there will be no doubt or question; just blind trust welcoming every mountain and giant, confident that your will is done on earth as it is in heaven. You, Father God, are the alpha and omega, the creator of all the heavens and earth. You alone are sovereign and in control. Forgive me for trying to lead instead of following. You will be glorified when I praise you in every storm. Welcoming them, so that your mercy and grace will always be revealed. I choose to remember who you are and that all things work together for good to them who love, seek, and trust You."

- Beverly Cordero

Guest Writer

Occasionally, Soul Deep will showcase a guest writer. We hope more of the Lord is revealed by new voices. If you would like to be considered as an upcoming writer, please contact souldeepdevos@gmail.com!


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