carols, christmas, advent, silent night, series Cortney Wente carols, christmas, advent, silent night, series Cortney Wente

Christmas in Carols: Silent Night

Picture this: The world seems to hold its breath and is eerily still. The wind whips through cold, damp trenches as the minutes tick into the wee hours of the morning. The year is 1914 and you are a soldier in the army holding down the western front against the Germans in World War I. The war began earlier that year at the beginning of the summer, and has been relentless ever since. If you were crazy enough to poke your head out of the trench to look across No Man’s Land, the bodies laying out in the cold would be staggering– a fresh dusting of snow being their only burial shroud. You miss your family, your hometown, and your own warm bed. It almost seems like a lifetime away as you sit at the bottom of this trench, the soil packed hard and unforgiving. You count the days since you’ve been here when it occurs to you; it’s Christmas Eve.

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Self-Care? Check! But What About Spiritual Self-Care?

This quarantine has added a lot more free time to most people’s daily life. Many have used it to start Tik-Tok accounts, start a new Netflix series, or maybe some have even learned how to cook. Whatever the case may be for you, you’ve probably added more ‘self-care’ into your routine. Whether it be taking luxurious baths, trying out new skincare products, or reading books that you’ve had on your shelf for months just waiting to be cracked open; you have probably been focusing on caring for yourself as much as possible during this uncertain time. While all of those things are great– and probably extremely necessary for your mental health right now– there’s one thing that I just want to encourage you guys in today: spiritual self-care.

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spiritual rest, shepherd, psalm 23, peace, calm, intimacy Cortney Wente spiritual rest, shepherd, psalm 23, peace, calm, intimacy Cortney Wente

Sometimes You Just Need to Rest

You can be honest: Did you actually read today’s key verse, or did your eyes glaze over once you realized it was familiar? I know I do it. If I have a verse memorized, I don’t tend to read it when I recognize it. My mind automatically goes on airplane mode, thinking, “Oh, I know that. Let’s skip past this part.” Because my time is so valuable, I can’t even read a verse that I’ve become so obviously numb to, right? Because I’m so busy, I can’t reconnect with a precious scripture that is something I desperately need to hear, right?

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grace, faith, understanding, gospel Megan Kelly grace, faith, understanding, gospel Megan Kelly

A Grace We Need to Understand

Jesus, I pray that we would come to you this morning with open hearts and minds to what you want to sprout in us today. I pray that we would work fully as your vessels on this earth in everything we do. Jesus, I pray for the one reading my words this morning that finds themselves so discouraged and tired, I pray that they would just come to you in all their weakness and let you give them strength, Lord God. I pray that every person reading this morning would be renewed in spirit and feel encouraged to follow you all the days of their lives. Jesus, help us understand what it is to follow you, and how that is the best choice we could ever make. In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen.

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waiting on god, listening, silence, wait, patience Cortney Wente waiting on god, listening, silence, wait, patience Cortney Wente

Getting God to Break the Silence

“Cortney, I don’t know how I can keep doing this. I just feel like nothing is happening.”“I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Mostly, it seems like God forgot about me.”“I don’t know where God is, but every time I try to sit with Him, He’s silent.” These are variations of things I’ve been hearing a lot lately from my friends and confidants. And maybe I’m a broken record, but I feel like I’ve been saying the same thing in response to it all: Sit still with Jesus. Don’t say anything. Don’t do anything but be with Him.

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wait, waiting on god, modern psalms, joy Cortney Wente wait, waiting on god, modern psalms, joy Cortney Wente

Modern Psalms: Finding Joy in the Waiting

Hey Pops, Lately, you’ve been teaching me a lot about patience, and it feels like I’ve been waiting on all fronts. A quick scroll through social media puts me under the microscope with false expectations of what my peers think I should have by now: a wild career in corporate America, a gleaming engagement ring on my finger, tons of stamps in my passport, or a trendy apartment somewhere. All things that read success and happiness to the uninvolved, near-sighted bystander, yet all are empty endeavors without the fullness of you behind it.

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