bride, bridegroom, banner, love, communion, community, church Cortney Wente bride, bridegroom, banner, love, communion, community, church Cortney Wente

To Be His Bride at His Table

Have you ever been to a wedding? After the vows have been exchanged and the couple has kissed; after they steal down the aisle as husband and wife, there is a desire to have precious moments alone with this love. 

At a modern wedding, those moments are often far and few until after the reception, but at that wedding banquet, there is usually a sweetheart table– a special place of honor for the bride and groom where they sit together, allowing them to share private conversation and enjoy the party together. The sweetheart table allows the couple to have a little bubble in the middle of the banquet hall where they can be a part of the celebration, but also enjoy the new intimacy of their marriage.

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many mansions, series, heaven, eternity, communion, community Cortney Wente many mansions, series, heaven, eternity, communion, community Cortney Wente

SERIES! Many Mansions, P3: The Reality of the Promise

So let’s wrap this series up! So far, we’ve been able to uncover two major ideas; the first being that Jesus isn’t talking about physical mansions for us to room and board in when we get to Heaven. He’s talking about the fact that the Father’s final dwelling place for us is the ultimate home that anyone who believes in God is factored into. We are given a home that has been atoned for by the blood of Jesus– the home God originally intended for us tohave before the fall.

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