To Be His Bride at His Table
“Like an apple tree [rare and welcome] among the trees of the forest, so is my beloved among the young men! In his shade I took great delight and sat down, and his fruit was sweet and delicious to my palate. He has brought me to his banqueting place, and his banner over me is love [waving overhead to protect and comfort me].” (Song of Solomon 2: 3-4, AMP)
“But God clearly shows and proves His own love for us, by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8, AMP)
“By this we know that we abide in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit. And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God. So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.” (1 John 4: 13-16, ESV)
Have you ever been to a wedding? After the vows have been exchanged and the couple has kissed; after they steal down the aisle as husband and wife, there is a desire to have precious moments alone with this love.
At a modern wedding, those moments are often far and few until after the reception, but at that wedding banquet, there is usually a sweetheart table– a special place of honor for the bride and groom where they sit together, allowing them to share private conversation and enjoy the party together. The sweetheart table allows the couple to have a little bubble in the middle of the banquet hall where they can be a part of the celebration, but also enjoy the new intimacy of their marriage.
Song of Solomon gives us this picture of the Lord, the bridegroom of the Church, beckoning us as His bride to the banqueting table. A biblical sweetheart table where we can be with Him, where we are seated with honor for all the world to see, and where He can publicly proclaim His love like a banner over us.
The tricky thing about our fallen nature is that it takes constant reminding that this is the love the Lord has for us. We must always ready our hearts and prepare ourselves to join Him at His table. We must devote ourselves to Him daily so that we are righteous to commune with Him.
How mighty is our God! How beloved is our sweet and gracious Lord! He is the lover of our souls and the Savior of the world. Like the groom in Song of Solomon, our Jesus is rare and welcome to those that are a part of His Church, His Bride. He is generous and lavish beyond what we deserve. And yet, His desire is for us and He has proven His love over and over again.
In His love, He has given not only Himself, but He has given us the Church. What a blessing that we are given a sweet community of other believers that we can gather with and encourage each other to set our minds on Him! Together, we get to worship God and hold each other accountable in our faith. Together, we can grow in grace and motivate each other to imitate Christ.
Together, we understand the deep riches of love that Christ has for those that believe and follow Him. His banner over us is love. It is not hidden or concealed from us. It is not kept like a secret from the world. His love for His Church is known and proven by His finished work on the cross and His glory in the empty tomb. Christ gave His life to show us His love, that we would be saved from our sins and brought near to the Father.
Just like a bride and groom can find rest in the bustle of wedding celebrations at the sweethearts table, where they can share stolen moments and adore one another, Jesus gives us that opportunity to rest and abide in Him. When we meet with Christ– either through private devotion time or in the corporate meeting of other Christians– we are assured of God’s love for us.
A bride does not receive her wedding ring, kiss her groom, and then have nothing else to do with the groom. She becomes one with Him. She goes home and lives her life with Him. So we should also. Every day of our lives is an opportunity to worship Him and give Him the adoration He’s due. Do we do it? Do we really give of ourselves in the name of Jesus? Do we sacrifice our status quo in order to delight Him? Is it the highest, daily priority to get to that secret, secluded place with Him, even if we’re in the middle of the chaos of life?
It is my prayer that it is for us, more and more so all the time. Thank God for the blessing of the local church, that we can be encouraged by others that know and love Christ, but thank God all the more that He desires to be with us. Thank God that He has prepared a place for us to steal away with Him, if we only allow our ear to be lent towards His beckoning. If we only train our eyes to see His calling us to that sweetheart table.
As Christians, we have found the One whom our souls love and He loves us in return. Praise Him who paid the price so that we could draw near to Him, believe Him, and abide in Him.