surrender, relationship, trust Megan Kelly surrender, relationship, trust Megan Kelly

Giving Him Your All

A desire is a strong feeling of wanting or wishing to have something or to see something occur. A desire can be a strong feeling that controls your emotions, your actions, and your thoughts. What are your desires today? What are the things pulling on your heart strings pleading for attention? Is it a desire for love, validation, happiness, or material things? What if I told you all those desires, all of those things that you long for are just masking the only desire that will satisfy your soul?

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suffering, persecution, endurance, empathy Cortney Wente suffering, persecution, endurance, empathy Cortney Wente

SERIES: Suffering, P2: Answering the ‘Why Me’ Plea

Have you ever had this happen to you? Someone comes to you for advice or for comfort for a really difficult situation they’re going through. You know in your mind that it’s a difficult spot to be in, but you don’t know what to say or what comfort to give, because you don’t know what it’s like to be there in your heart. You feel like you’ve let this person down, somehow, because you’ve never had to walk through that situation. It’s not that you don’t care or lack compassion, but you can’t relate, and so the only advice you have to give feels Christianese or half-hearted.

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Megan Kelly Megan Kelly

For Those Riding the Struggle Bus

Some days a beautiful verse like this is hard to believe when our discouragement is weighing so heavy on our hearts. When you feel like there’s no way out of the cycle you havefound yourself in. Some days it’s hard to believe that God can truly change everything for you, but once we stop focusing on all our problems and sadness, we can see God for who He truly is.

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