grace, holiness, set apart, salvation Cortney Wente grace, holiness, set apart, salvation Cortney Wente

God’s Grace in Holiness

Christians get a bad wrap. Why? Because most of the time, we preach a message that comes off “holier than thou” to a world that is comfortable in their sin. I can’t count how many times unsaved people have said something along the lines of, “It’s okay, I’m gonna live it up with my friends at the big party going on in hell when I get there.” And I know it’s meant to be a joke, albeit not a very funny one, but it just goes to show how tightly people will cling to their sin and their comfortable pleasures, despite the fact that those things will never add up to eternal salvation.

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modern psalms, serve, ministry, leadership Megan Kelly modern psalms, serve, ministry, leadership Megan Kelly

Modern Psalm: A Call to Serve

God, help me fully be a disciple of all that you are. Lead me to all the hurting people in my life, the ones with unseen hurt, and help me lavish your love upon them. I want to be someone known for the fearless pursuit of others and a boldness that completely glorifies your kingdom. It can be easy to comfort and minister to those I care for, Lord, but to minister to my enemies– those who oppose me– that’s a whole new battlefield.

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