Loving the Saints

If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a million times: “The Church would be so much easier to serve in… if it weren’t for the people!” And while I can agree; some people are hard to love because they neglect to treat their church family with the respect and love they’d like to be treated with. Some people are lonely or without blood-related family they can rely on, and so they lean on their church family more than the average person or they come across as clingy. Even more than that, there are some that are newer to the faith and have a more juvenile view of theology or their perception of God is a little more skewed.

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SERIES! Revival Through Persecution, P1

After seeing what comes out of people via social media and personal conversations over the last several weeks and months, it’s no question that there is a great deal of fear in the Church. Fear of the future– specifically brought on by the current polarized political climate of the United States. I’ve had countless conversations with fellow believers discussing what we see unfolding before our very eyes. Regardless of where on the political spectrum you fall, it is very plain to see that we as a country are moving in a direction where we may begin to see the Church slowly stripped of its rights and freedoms.

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many mansions, series, heaven, eternity, communion, community Cortney Wente many mansions, series, heaven, eternity, communion, community Cortney Wente

SERIES! Many Mansions, P3: The Reality of the Promise

So let’s wrap this series up! So far, we’ve been able to uncover two major ideas; the first being that Jesus isn’t talking about physical mansions for us to room and board in when we get to Heaven. He’s talking about the fact that the Father’s final dwelling place for us is the ultimate home that anyone who believes in God is factored into. We are given a home that has been atoned for by the blood of Jesus– the home God originally intended for us tohave before the fall.

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SERIES! Many Mansions, P2: The Home We Look Towards

So Jesus is our home. A universal statement of individual promise; Jesus affords each and every one of us our own home within Him– a home that embraces every part of who you specifically are. Now, I know there may still be a few who are bummed out that we’re not talking about real, heavenly real estate on the seaside or up in the mountains with a veranda and a floor plan that would make Pinterest boards jealous.

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