jenny geddes, integrity, church, stool, armor of god Cortney Wente jenny geddes, integrity, church, stool, armor of god Cortney Wente

When It’s Time to Throw the Stool

This year, I gifted Sam a rather unusual gift. It was a framed illustration I drew of a three-legged stool. Without context, it’s a little bit of a head-scratcher, so let me clue you in. Recently, we heard a story from medieval church history. In 1625, King Charles I ascended to the British throne. Being of the Anglican church and a staunch believer that he had a divine right to rule the church as king, he was not a popular figure in Northern Scotland where the people were largely reformed protestant. Together with his archbishop, the king introduced a book of prayer throughout the kingdom that was much more in line with the Church of England.

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armor of god, sword, spirit, bible, series Cortney Wente armor of god, sword, spirit, bible, series Cortney Wente

SERIES! Armor of God, P7: the Sword of the Spirit

Well, guys, we made it. This is the end, and I could think of no better way to wrap up this Armor of God series than to talk about the only weapon we’ve been given. It also turns out, it’s the only weapon we’ll ever need: the Sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. First of all, sword imagery is found all over the Bible. From Genesis, when God placed an angel with a sword of fire at the gates of Eden after the fall, to Revelation, where it says a sharp sword will come from Jesus’ mouth to strike down nations– swords are used as a vehicle to explain things in the heavens and on earth.

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spiritual warfare, cloak, zeal, armor of god Cortney Wente spiritual warfare, cloak, zeal, armor of god Cortney Wente

SERIES! Armor of God, P6: the Cloak of Zeal

Now, I know what you’re thinking: ‘Cortney, what the heck? Paul never mentions a “cloak of zeal.” Stop making this stuff up.’ To which I say: Ah, I see... you thought we were gonna finally get into the sword, but I gotta keep you on your toes. Okay, yes. There is no mention of the cloak of zeal in Ephesians, but it is mentioned much earlier in the Bible. Allow us to take a quick, Old Testament pit-stop in Isaiah.

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armor of god, belt, truth, spiritual warfare Cortney Wente armor of god, belt, truth, spiritual warfare Cortney Wente

SERIES! Armor of God, P5: the Belt of Truth

I won’t lie. For a while, this one stumped me. What purpose does a belt serve armor? It’s not like metal breastplates and chainmail needed to be held up by a belt. In fact, this piece seemed the most ornamentary to me. I know now, I could not have been more wrong. But that’s because I misunderstood the purpose of the belt, much like I think people misunderstand truth.

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armor of god, shoes, gospel, spiritual warfare, peace Cortney Wente armor of god, shoes, gospel, spiritual warfare, peace Cortney Wente

SERIES! Armor of God, P4: the Shoes Prepped with the Gospel of Peace

If I were to make a ballpark estimation, I’d say I have somewhere around thirty pairs of shoes in my closet right now. I know, I know. Some might say that’s a lot, and yet, some of my fellow shoe-lovin’ ladies might say that’s an appropriate number. Some have a set purpose which means they can’t be used every day or all year round– slippers, snow boots, flip-flops. Others are multipurpose, and therefore see more wear-time– my basic, black pumps, my denim Toms, my combat boots. Still, others are for no other purpose than to have a little fun– multicolor cowboy boots, bright pink and metallic high heels, highlighter yellow sneakers.

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armor of god, armor, shield, faith, community Cortney Wente armor of god, armor, shield, faith, community Cortney Wente

SERIES! Armor of God, P3: the Shield of Faith

Our key verse very eloquently reminds us that we are not fighting our battles carnally but in the spirit. Just like we don’t put on physical armor every morning, the battle itself is not visible. But that fact does not undermine or candy coat the fact that it is just as lethal as a physical war, especially because we cannot see it with the eyes we were born with. Instead, we are fighting against evil rulers and powers that we cannot see. Thankfully, our armor provides just the protection we need to take down those threats in the spirit realm.

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SERIES! Armor of God, P2: the Breastplate of Righteousness

How awesome is it that the Lord sends us into spiritual battles with exactly the equipment we need to kick demon butts and take devil names? Let’s face it, guys: There is no possible way to live in this universe and be exempt from spiritual warfare happening all around us. Whether or not you are aware of it, whether or not you accept it, and whether or not you buy into the Christian faith at all, you are locked in the middle of a battle between Heaven and Hell. The war for the souls of this world is constantly raging and there is only going to be one winner. Every day, you head out to the battlefield where you have to decide which side you’re fighting for, and not choosing puts you on the wrong side. Here is the good news and the bad news.

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SERIES! Armor of God, P1: the Helmet of Salvation

To me, the armor of God was a cutesy Sunday school lesson. You know the one– complete with a coloring ditto, felt board lesson, and a foam craft. It was a practical analogy that was beaten to a dead horse when I was a child. But don’t you love when God turns things on their head? Recently, I was in a Bible study reading through Ephesians. In our final week of study, the armor of God came up as we read the last chapter. As we were discussing the passage, the Holy Spirit said to me, “You aren’t wearing and using your armor to its fullest potential because you don’t understand it.”

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