prayer Cortney Wente prayer Cortney Wente

Praying Like a Drunk

Why don’t more people talk about Hannah? Found in the opening chapters of 1 Samuel, Hannah is one of two wives to Elkanah the Ephrathite, and in just a handful of short verses, she quickly becomes one of the most relatable women in the Bible. First, you might be thinking, “Hold up, did you say Hannah was one of TWO wives?” Yeah, you read that right, which might not be helpful in my case that Hannah was super relatable, but stick with me.

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Cortney Wente Cortney Wente

Worship That’s Worth Something

So, let’s talk about worship. More importantly, let’s talk about worship on those days where even getting out of bed is a big accomplishment. We’ve all been there, and I know you know what I’m talking about. Those days where staying asleep seems like the better option because reality hurts a little too much for your liking. Those days where your stomach is in knots, your joy is all dried up, and honest, heart-healing worship seems like an action that is next to impossible.

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healing, god, jesus, scripture, testimony Cortney Wente healing, god, jesus, scripture, testimony Cortney Wente

How Our Personal Tragedies Give God Glory

I’ve always been the girl that cries at weddings. I even get choked up while watching sappy bridal shows like Say Yes to the Dress. So imagine my elation when I was asked to be a bridesmaid and invited to join a dress appointment for a close family member earlier this year. I’ll keep details short because the wedding is in September, but the moment that she put on the dress she knew she’d get married in, the atmosphere in the room changed.

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