Studying the Word like Searching for Treasure

“My son, if you will receive my words and treasure my commandments within you, so that your ear is attentive to [skillful and godly] wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding [seeking it conscientiously and striving for it eagerly]; Yes, if you cry out for insight, and lift up your voice for understanding; If you seek skillful and godly wisdom as you would silver and search for her as you would hidden treasures; Then you will understand the [reverent] fear of the Lord [that is, worshiping Him and regarding Him as truly awesome] and discover the knowledge of God.” (Proverbs 2:1-5, AMP)

What makes something valuable? 

My mother would say it has something to do with what something is made of. When I was younger, I wanted a pair of boots. I was so set on the look and style of the boots, that I wasn’t paying attention to what it was made of. My mother, helping me shop for this pair of boots, was focused on what they were made out of. I might think I found the perfect pair because they were exactly what I wanted in my head, but my mom would say, “They’re synthetic leather. They’ll start falling apart after a few wears. You’re better off spending more money to get real leather boots that will take years to fall apart.” 

As a kid, I didn’t see the value in that, but as an adult I do. Now, I’d rather buy something I know will last, even if it costs more, than to buy something that will need replacing over and over. The quality of the item justifies the price.

Another gauge of value is skill. Workmanship is something of worth. You could give me a skein of leather, an awl, and a needle and thread, but I will never be able to make those materials into a pair of boots. So yes, I’m paying for the price of the materials when I buy the leather boots, but I’m also paying for the skill of creating them.

Have you ever considered the value of God’s Word? The easy answer is that the Word of God is valuable because it is God-breathed. Of course it holds value; it’s scripture and every hope we have of knowing the Lord for ourselves.

But have we ever considered what makes it silver and gold to us? Have we ever considered the value of Truth? 

Solomon talks about scripture in Proverbs 2 as if it were physical treasure. Receiving the word and counting God’s commands as precious is like silver. Making your ear attentive to it and your heart sensitive to its understanding is like gold. Striving to interpret it rightly and crying out to the Holy Spirit for insight is like rubies. Skillfully seeking Godly wisdom is like hidden treasure come to light.

Why? Because it must be uncovered. It must be refined in us and searched out. Scripture must be read, meditated on, illuminated by the Lord, prayed over, and skillfully gleaned. It must be dug after. There is a level of effort on our part for it to be understood and interpreted.

If we take God’s word at face value, we are leaving so much uncovered and left behind. If we are content to simply skim over it and understand the highlights, then we undercut its value.

To study God’s Word is to know God– a treasure which truly cannot be traded for the world. When we fix our ear and set our hearts on uncovering God for who He is, then we have a holy fear and love for Him. When we cry out for Him to reveal Himself in His scripture and conscientiously search for Him in the Bible, we will see His awesomeness and worship Him with deeper devotion. 

The hardest part about this search is to toss out every preconceived idea we’ve heard about Him. As you read His word, leave every notion you have of Him loosely. Ask Him to change your convictions if they don’t line up with what you find in the Bible. If you find it there, hold fast to them and allow them to renew your passions for Him. If you don’t, then allow Him to show you who He really is. We should rejoice in the tearing down of false gospels and incorrect ideas of Him. We should thank Him for giving us a way to see Him the way He is– what a treasure!

We should also make sure to surround ourselves with others who also pursue His word as if it were buried treasure. We should ask God to give us a community of people who have discernment in knowing Him and interpreting His scriptures. That way, we don’t have people leading us astray in our pursuit to know Him, worship Him, and fear Him.

Remember: the value of those boots before were based on what they were made of, but also the skill of the person making them. The same materials in the wrong hands would not make for a product worth the price. So it is the same for those who are preaching, teaching, and interpreting the Word.

With the internet, we have so many people trying to tell people about Jesus, but not all gospels are Truth. Some preachers and teachers out there are not interpreting the scriptures to the same value. Some claim to be sharing pearls when they are merely costume jewelry. Some claim to be unearthing rubies and they are simply glass. 

Friends, if our pursuit of the Lord is as serious as we say it is, then why do we allow our interactions with His Word– and even His very presence– with flippancy? Why do we forfeit Truth for the sake of who we’re friends with, the comfortability of our church, or the convenience of not having to change our convictions?

We should always be digging and searching for that treasure, because the fruits of that search could never replace the alternatives. We should be daily asking God to reveal Himself in scripture, and to break us away from old notions that keep us from experiencing the real Christ. 

The material of the Word has never been questioned. It’s always been straight from the mouth of God. But our approach to understanding it, our desire for the wisdom to understand it, and our proximity to those who want the same must always be prayed over and refined in us.

Cortney Wente

Cortney Cordero is a freelance writer that has been recognized for her work published on,, and She is the winner of the 2016 Nancy P. Schnader award and was published in a book of emerging poets in 2017. In 2015, she went on a missions trip to Cape Town, South Africa that completely changed her faith, all documented in her blog, South African Sojourner. Cortney is a co-founder of Soul Deep Devotions and has been writing for the site ever since.


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