Testimony Time: For When Busy Work Doesn't Seem to Cut It

“Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” (Psalms 46:10, NIV)

For as long as I could remember, I have always asked a million questions. I question everything and everyone. I want to know who, what, when, why, where and how at all times. It’s interesting, though; I find that with God all I ask is how and why.

I never ask who he wants me to talk to. Where he wants me to go, or when he wants me to go there. When God puts me in a situation– especially one that I don’t want to be in– I pray, “Why Lord, and how are you going to get me out of this?”

I went through a break up last year that left me blindsided and I didn’t know what to do or how to fix it. So, I prayed, “Why, Lord?” But it seemed like God didn’t answer this question... at least, not right away. So instead of why, I prayed, “How? How, God, are you going to fix and restore this?” But He was silent on that issue too.

I should also add that I am a doer, fixer, and a planner– totally type A. I tried everything I could think of that would fix it. Guess what? It didn’t work. My plans failed even though I kept trying and trying to fix it. I prayed, “God where are you? Why won’t you tell me what to do?”

Finally, God reminded me about one of my favorite verses: “Be still and know that I am God...” Once I began to be still and stop trying to fix everything, I found clarity and confidence in God. Through this, I learned 3 things:

  1. God doesn’t need your help. He’s got this, nothing that happens to you is a surprise to God.

  2. Not only does God NOT need your help, He knows what is best for you even when your pain won’t let you see it. When you trust God, you don’t need to understand why or how.

  3. Be still until God tells you what to do. Doing things by yourself will leave you feeling defeated. God will fight for you and cover you. You’re safe with God.

Whatever your storm is, be still.

                                            - Leah Jackson, @Leeahhhj

Guest Writer

Occasionally, Soul Deep will showcase a guest writer. We hope more of the Lord is revealed by new voices. If you would like to be considered as an upcoming writer, please contact souldeepdevos@gmail.com!


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