Maturing Our Theology in the Infallible Word

I prayed the sinner's prayer when I was about 10 years old, or at least, that’s the first time I remember praying it with a full realization of what I was doing and committing to. Before that, I was parroting along the words my teacher asked us to repeat during Sunday school “altar calls.” I went to the same church until I was 25. I sat under the same pastor, worshiped in the same building, and learned most of what I knew about the Bible in that church. I feel it’s very important to note: I love that church. I still have nothing but deep gratitude to the man that pastored that church while I was there and led a community where ultimately, I found a place of my own.

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hope, faith, grace Megan Kelly hope, faith, grace Megan Kelly

Don’t Miss an Unwavering Hope

Life can be super discouraging; we all know that first-hand. There are things that we hope for, places we dream of going and things we long to do, and sometimes, things just don’t turn out the way we expect. Hope isn’t something that comes naturally to us. It’s like trust, it needs to be built and exercised. Trying to build trust in a rocky relationship that isn’t necessarily good for you is challenging and usually doesn't work. But when you build trust with someone that genuinely cares about you and your feelings, it becomes a firm relationship that you can rely on.

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armor of god, sword, spirit, bible, series Cortney Wente armor of god, sword, spirit, bible, series Cortney Wente

SERIES! Armor of God, P7: the Sword of the Spirit

Well, guys, we made it. This is the end, and I could think of no better way to wrap up this Armor of God series than to talk about the only weapon we’ve been given. It also turns out, it’s the only weapon we’ll ever need: the Sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. First of all, sword imagery is found all over the Bible. From Genesis, when God placed an angel with a sword of fire at the gates of Eden after the fall, to Revelation, where it says a sharp sword will come from Jesus’ mouth to strike down nations– swords are used as a vehicle to explain things in the heavens and on earth.

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Megan Kelly Megan Kelly

For Those Riding the Struggle Bus

Some days a beautiful verse like this is hard to believe when our discouragement is weighing so heavy on our hearts. When you feel like there’s no way out of the cycle you havefound yourself in. Some days it’s hard to believe that God can truly change everything for you, but once we stop focusing on all our problems and sadness, we can see God for who He truly is.

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Cortney Wente Cortney Wente

Worship That’s Worth Something

So, let’s talk about worship. More importantly, let’s talk about worship on those days where even getting out of bed is a big accomplishment. We’ve all been there, and I know you know what I’m talking about. Those days where staying asleep seems like the better option because reality hurts a little too much for your liking. Those days where your stomach is in knots, your joy is all dried up, and honest, heart-healing worship seems like an action that is next to impossible.

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