Sending God a Thank You Note

I am learning that with every major milestone in life, there is one common denominator: thank you cards. And after the birth of my daughter, Piper, we’ve gotten so many gifts from so many people that it’s hard to keep track anymore. So much so, that I decided to finally buckle down and take care of sending out thank you cards off of a very inconsistent list Sam and I started putting together once the packages started coming in from everywhere. As I was going through a list of people at least an arms length long, something extremely obvious occurred to me. Thank you notes are considered a nice touch, if not a common courtesy. If you get a gift big or small, you thank that person for it and a thank you note sends a specific message of deep gratitude.

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Gratefulness in What Cannot be Shaken

2020 has been a year of hard knocks. I don’t care who you are, but I don’t think anyone had an easy year. Some are jobless, some are mourning the loss of loved ones, and some are living in day-to-day fear, loneliness, and frustration. It was a year of missed plans, disappointment, and cancelled travels. It might seem, as we approach Thanksgiving, that there is not much to be thankful for. Instead, we may want to hide in our homes, order in, and shake our fists at God for all the things that aren’t going for us.

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thankfulness, gratitude, thanks Cortney Wente thankfulness, gratitude, thanks Cortney Wente

Saying a Genuine Thank You

July 4, 2015, is a day that will forever be impressed upon my memory. Ironically, on the biggest holiday for our nation, I boarded a plane and left everything and everyone I’d ever known behind to live in Cape Town, South Africa. While I had always dreamed of going to that breathtaking city– and it had taken a year of planning to get there– I couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact that I had actually made it. It was only after the automatic doors opened and I stepped out of the airport, that I realized exactly what was actually happening. There I was, exhausted and desperate for a shower after an entire 24 hours of travel, when I was greeted by the three, beautiful mountains that make up Cape Town’s city skyline; three mountains that would very quickly become the familiar backdrop to one of the biggest adventures I’ve ever had.

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