trial, testing, test, struggle, bitterness, leaning, red sea Cortney Wente trial, testing, test, struggle, bitterness, leaning, red sea Cortney Wente

Leaning on God in Our Bitterness

If you witnessed God parting the Red Sea and were a part of all the rejoicing and worship that happened immediately after, how long would it take for you to become desensitized to that experience? How long would it take for you to fall back into complacency, doubt, or an overall questioning of God’s timing, wisdom, plan, etc? A few weeks? A month? A year? Do you know how long it took Israel to go from triumphant praise at the awe-striking power and provision of God to grumbling and complaining over external hardship?

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suffering, persecution, relationship, endurance, faith Cortney Wente suffering, persecution, relationship, endurance, faith Cortney Wente

SERIES! Suffering P3: Allowing Jesus into the Situation

Over the past two weeks, we’ve been driving the point home that your personal trials are about so much more than just you. They are about maturing and equipping you to reach someone who will need the truth tempered in you through these spiritual growing pains. They are about showing the real substance of your faith so that someone can be encouraged by the genuine worship and nature of your love for the Lord. But this week, as we come to a close, I want to zero in on you. How does suffering improve your relationship with Jesus?

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suffering, persecution, endurance, empathy Cortney Wente suffering, persecution, endurance, empathy Cortney Wente

SERIES: Suffering, P2: Answering the ‘Why Me’ Plea

Have you ever had this happen to you? Someone comes to you for advice or for comfort for a really difficult situation they’re going through. You know in your mind that it’s a difficult spot to be in, but you don’t know what to say or what comfort to give, because you don’t know what it’s like to be there in your heart. You feel like you’ve let this person down, somehow, because you’ve never had to walk through that situation. It’s not that you don’t care or lack compassion, but you can’t relate, and so the only advice you have to give feels Christianese or half-hearted.

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