slavery, slave, servant, serve Cortney Wente slavery, slave, servant, serve Cortney Wente

What are You a Slave to?

I say the word “slavery” and what do you think?

Do you think modern-day slavery? Do you think of vulnerable people that are snatched, stolen and taken to toil in terrible conditions and lifestyles?

Do you think of America in the 1800’s? When African people were sold off to work in fields and treated as less than even animals?

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first covenant, covenant, series, abraham, blood, love Cortney Wente first covenant, covenant, series, abraham, blood, love Cortney Wente

SERIES! The First Covenant, P1: The Contract

I think any Christian that has a real grasp of the Bible has this down: God made a covenant with Abraham at the beginning of the Old Testament, but Jesus died to create a better covenant at the start of the New Testament. The old covenant was specifically for the Jewish people. The new was for Jew and Gentile. The old promise was the law and the new promise was grace.

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