Loving Others with Our Spiritual Gifts

Love covers a multitude of sins. We love to quote that verse, but do we really live it? Do we really walk out the meaning of that in all we do, especially when we serve each other in the Church? The fact of the matter is, churches can be toxic. It’s something most churches love to ignore because they don’t want to own up or take responsibility for the fact that there are people out there walking around with some real emotional wounds inflicted by church people. It’s because as Christians, sometimes we forget that we’re supposed to be good stewards of God’s grace to us. We forget that we are supposed to be the example that God uses to draw others unto Him.

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ministry, john the baptist, talent, spiritual gift, work Cortney Wente ministry, john the baptist, talent, spiritual gift, work Cortney Wente

There’s no ME in MINISTRY

I’ve always had a lot of respect for John the Baptist. Here’s a guy, who lived primarily in the wilderness, whose entire ministry was to make people ready for someone else to come. That takes a truly selfless and purpose-driven person. And to me, in many ways, John the Baptist’s ministry is the ministry we all share today: to make people ready for Jesus. And the way people try to reach the lost these days– social media, Youtube, and church platforms that look more like a concert venue than a place of worship– it’s easy to get caught up in self-promotion dressed as God-driven purpose. And it’s proven, social media has an addictive quality, so what might start out as an account totally dedicated to sharing the Gospel and God’s love can totally become a source of self gratification when you see the likes and follows start rolling in.

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