What Do We Seek Jesus For?

In our early days and months of dating, Sam and I attended a Christian conference in Orlando, Florida. The group we went with had attended in years past and gushed about the “impartation of the Holy Spirit” and the depth of the spiritual encounters they all had in the past with such a host of well-known speakers and church organizations that would come together to put on this event. Over the course of four days, however, it became clear to us that all the hype was just that… hype. Each speaker in the lineup boasted of their works and the accomplishments of their ministries. They spoke of healing and impartation of spiritual gifts and delivering from addictions.

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grace, faith, understanding, gospel Megan Kelly grace, faith, understanding, gospel Megan Kelly

A Grace We Need to Understand

Jesus, I pray that we would come to you this morning with open hearts and minds to what you want to sprout in us today. I pray that we would work fully as your vessels on this earth in everything we do. Jesus, I pray for the one reading my words this morning that finds themselves so discouraged and tired, I pray that they would just come to you in all their weakness and let you give them strength, Lord God. I pray that every person reading this morning would be renewed in spirit and feel encouraged to follow you all the days of their lives. Jesus, help us understand what it is to follow you, and how that is the best choice we could ever make. In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen.

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