beatitudes, series, mourning, blessing, comfort, grief Cortney Wente beatitudes, series, mourning, blessing, comfort, grief Cortney Wente

Beatitudes, Part 2: Blessed are Those who Mourn

Blessed are those who mourn… It might seem sort of contradictory. How can it be possible to mourn and yet be blessed? If we’re mourning, it would mean we lost something, right? And losing something or someone to the point of grief can’t be something Jesus wants for us, let alone something He blesses us with. Yes, when Jesus says blessed are those who mourn, He means real and harrowing heartache. The word He uses in the Greek is “pentheó” which means a deep, personal grief over a death or a hope that dies. It is a grief so severe that it takes possession of the person and cannot be hidden.

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brokenhearted, heartbreak, depression, love Cortney Wente brokenhearted, heartbreak, depression, love Cortney Wente

A Word to Those Struggling with Heartbreak

Heartbroken. What a devastating word to attach to oneself. And in a day and age where we so fiercely guard our hearts and treat things like love and trust like it’s a privilege to bestow only on those closest to us, a word like heartbroken almost feels like an admission to carelessness or weakness. We act like it’s something to be ashamed of; like it’s something to hide.

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depression, grieving, god, bible Megan Kelly depression, grieving, god, bible Megan Kelly

Grieving with God

A little over a year ago my family and I were at a wedding in Texas. During the reception, I received a text from my aunt asking me to have my dad call my uncle. I remember feeling a check in my spirit that something was really wrong. I watched my mom and dad from a window as they stepped outside to make the call. The distraught look on their faces confirmed the uneasiness I had.

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