SERIES! Armor of God, P1: the Helmet of Salvation

To me, the armor of God was a cutesy Sunday school lesson. You know the one– complete with a coloring ditto, felt board lesson, and a foam craft. It was a practical analogy that was beaten to a dead horse when I was a child. But don’t you love when God turns things on their head? Recently, I was in a Bible study reading through Ephesians. In our final week of study, the armor of God came up as we read the last chapter. As we were discussing the passage, the Holy Spirit said to me, “You aren’t wearing and using your armor to its fullest potential because you don’t understand it.”

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faith, endurance, motivation, perspective Megan Kelly faith, endurance, motivation, perspective Megan Kelly

Running the Race with Confidence

In this fast-paced life, it is so easy to get distracted, go off course, become overwhelmed by all our responsibility, and stop believing in ourselves. Lately, God has really been showing me what pure, true, and genuine belief is. I have been learning that when you truly believe in something, like God’s power in you, you are close to unstoppable. It seems like at this point in my life everyone is in a race to get the best GPA or the best job or find that perfect relationship, but God is saying a little something different to me.

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social media, resolution, connection, truth Cortney Wente social media, resolution, connection, truth Cortney Wente

Challenging You to Reconnect

Millennials, we’ve all heard it before: in a world of constant connection, we’re disconnected, we’re transient, and we’re disjointed. And those that are looking to hurl the first stone resoundingly blame technology. But here’s the thing, it’s not just millennials. The struggle to connect seems to be the common theme for all of us. Trust me, I get it. There’s not a day that goes by that I can avoid the newsfeeds; especially when most of my young career has centered around social media and new tactics to be seen in a world of endless content.

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future, perspective, god, fear Megan Kelly future, perspective, god, fear Megan Kelly

To Know Jesus or to Know Your Future?

We all wonder about the future. Whether that be what you’re going to eat in thirty minutes, the extensive amount of things you have to do tomorrow, or where your life will be in ten years. There are numerous questions that linger in our heads left unanswered, and sometimes it feels as if we have to actively do something to get these answers. It can so easily feel like we are doing something wrong.

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love, god, bible, perspective Cortney Wente love, god, bible, perspective Cortney Wente

How Deep His Love Is

When I was five years old, I thought I knew what love looked like. It looked like daring tales involving glass slippers or enchanted castles; a prince in disguise that swept the beautiful heroine off her feet in all the Disney-saturated technicolor of the late-90s.

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