loneliness, alone, isolation, elevation, faith, deeper Cortney Wente loneliness, alone, isolation, elevation, faith, deeper Cortney Wente

How Isolation Gives Way to the Next Level

All over the Bible, there are stories of all kinds of different people who loved God and served Him. People like Paul, who was a murderer-turned-evangelist that suffered and endured remarkable trials in the name of Christ. People like Ruth, who was fiercely loyal to family and was blessed for her faithfulness. People like Jonah, who ran from God’s call on his life and had to be transported to his destiny via the belly of a whale.

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purpose, calling, testimony Cortney Wente purpose, calling, testimony Cortney Wente

Living Marked by an Encounter with God

I remember stepping out to center stage in my high school auditorium, lights in my eyes, and every chair empty but three. I was a bright-eyed freshman who wanted nothing more than to make the student-run spring musical. I thought it was a big deal because, unlike the faculty-supervised winter musical, not everyone that auditioned made it. Only the best made that coveted cast list, and I had been practicing for days to make sure that my name was on it, no matter the part.

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