gospel, creation, genesis, fall, promise, bible, scripture, testament Cortney Wente gospel, creation, genesis, fall, promise, bible, scripture, testament Cortney Wente

Finding the Gospel in the Fall

A few years ago, my childhood pastor gave a sermon on the controversial Old Testament vs. New Testament debate. You know, the one where one side of the fence thinks we can just throw away the Old Testament and only study the New Testament, because it’s the new covenant that replaces the old. The other side of the fence thinks that the inclusion of the New Testament in the Bible is a contradiction to God’s original word. One side believes that God is lawful judgement, and to focus too much on His love is to water down His sovereign word. The other believes that God is love, and to dwell too much in the Old Testament covenant is a decision to not see God in the fullness of His character.

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bible, scripture, god, fall, creation, genesis, sin, satan, truth Cortney Wente bible, scripture, god, fall, creation, genesis, sin, satan, truth Cortney Wente

The Footholds We Give When We Don't Know the Word

When it comes to the opening chapters of the Bible, Eve always gets a bad wrap. And no, I’m not looking to play a blame game today over who caused the fall of man, but this week, I re-read this story and a lot of things jumped out at me that I’d like to take some time to look at. I don’t necessarily want to call this whole thing a “series,” but I might possibly take more than one week to unpack it.

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