Testimony Time: For When Your Strong Personality Comes off Prickly

"The Lord will hold you in his hand for all to see— a splendid crown in the hand of God." (Isaiah 62:3, NLT)

"I have struggled with my strong personality that can at times be prickly like this pineapple. When I gave my life to the Lord, I knew I needed to change. Big changes happened in the beginning. Old habits just fell off– smoking, bad language, drinking in excess. Other things changed slowly; I developed new habits. I started to listen to different music. I started reading my Bible, praying more, attending small groups, making new friends, etc.

Who I was– my personality– remained.

When you have a strong personality and a loud voice, you can be taken the wrong way and misunderstood. I struggled with that until the moment where I was “set free”. I learned that my actions were not what the Lord wanted to change; It was the intention of my heart the Lord wanted to change. It was always about my heart.

He wants to mold my heart; Use the gifts He put inside me. Shape me and mold me. And yes, soften me. I have learned so very much and have been living a free life since September of 1994. I am free from the old tape that used to tell me I'm not good enough, thin enough, or smart enough. The thief of comparison has been defeated. Now I celebrate others and what I admire about them. My whole thinking has changed by the renewing of my mind (Often– daily, if possible, but not always).

I am so aware of the enemies traps now. Do I fall in them at times? Sure, but I have the tools to get free. I am Livingfree994 and I am never looking back."

- Dawn Kelly, @LivingFree994 on Instagram

Guest Writer

Occasionally, Soul Deep will showcase a guest writer. We hope more of the Lord is revealed by new voices. If you would like to be considered as an upcoming writer, please contact souldeepdevos@gmail.com!


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A Servants Heart